
Calling all managers and leaders! It doesn't have to be like this!

By Julie Paine 28 Apr 2023 13:13

Mentoring For Your Future

Supporting business owners, leaders and individuals

April 2023 Newsletter

In 2022, over 8 million people were suffering with stress and anxiety (report commissioned by Deloitte). The ONS also published, that 2.5 million people were on long term sick, in the 3 months leading up to January this year. Two out of three businesses have seen an uptake in counselling services since the pandemic. This is sad and shocking news, and it doesn’t need to be that way!

Stress can be caused for many different reasons, But, every time someone goes off sick, it leads to an increased workload for everyone. This leads to more stress, and more people taking time off work. This means loss of earnings for employee. The employer will inevitably experience disruption within the workplace. They will also face increased costs, which effects the company. It’s a downward spiral, and definitely one to be avoided!

But what can we do as leaders to prevent this?

Minimise the chance of stress developing? But how?

Ensure the work place is free of barriers which prevent your staff becoming the best version of themselves. By encouraging development in an open and supportive environment can only be a win, win, win situation. The individual wins, because they have more autonomy over their environment, their work and feel really valued. The leader also wins, because now they have a great team behind them. Supporting them in everything they do. Having that kind of support is energising! Of course, the Company also wins! The company is now stronger, and more resilient against the current turbulence and uncertainties. The company can now thrive, prosper and grow. Without fear of the next crisis. We now see an upward spiral!

Sounds simple, doesn’t it? It is! I can help with this and many other things!

With a few simple steps we can learn new ways. You will begin to see results immediately. No, it’s not magic and there isn’t a catch. It is just knowledge used, and practiced well! Act now, find a better way!


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Calling all managers and leaders! It doesn't have to be like this!
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