
  • If you’re feeling you just want more. Feel you need things to change, but don’t know where to begin? Having challenge after challenge with your business, but not moving forward. Frustrated as you feel you work too hard, and don’t get rewarded enough?

I can help with

Identifying goals

A goal is an aim or objective, that you work towards with determination. But, that said, it's not always as straight forward. If you're not quite sure what your goal is, or you are having difficulties along the way, it's time to stop, think objectively, and create a different strategy! That's what I'm here for!

Breaking habits

Old habits die hard, as they say! But just because you've always done something in such a way, doesn't mean you have to continue, especially if the results you get, are not what you need. By modifying or introducing a different process, procedure or habit, you can bring much better, and more effective results.


Leadership is not something which comes naturally to everyone, but is, definitely something we can learn, and quickly!

Effective leadership, is to take charge of direction, be visible and accountable. Using good communication, to motivate others to follow. By constantly practicing these simple disciplines, brings greater results, more quickly and without conflict.

Communication skills

Means to communicate messages simply, and without the risk of misinterpretation. Good communication skills are useful in everyday life, but essential in business. The simple elements when practiced daily, brings untold benefits on many levels.


Conflict plays a part in everyone's life from time to time. It can be upsetting for all parties involved. If unresolved, views can become deeply intrenched, leading to relationships breaking down, stress developing, causing disruption to lives and businesses.

By Identifying conflict early, understanding issues and finding a resolution, is essential to preserving relationships, maintaining equilibriums, and gaining positive outcomes for all!

Stress in the workplace

Should be dealt with at the earliest opportunity. Identifying any tensions or issues within the workplace early, resolving them swiftly, can actually prevent stress developing.

Ignoring issues inevitably leads to the problem becoming more deeply entrenched, therefore harder to resolve. It can lead to the employee taking time off work, with loss of earnings. The employer will inevitably experience disruption within the workplace on many levels!


Motivation is to give fuel to create intention, towards a goal or desire! There are many strategies we can learn, to help with this. Communicated effectively in business, it helps to reach your objective or gaol sooner.

Work life balance

Something most people are now aware of, however we live and work in a 'high pressure' society, so it's easy to get it wrong! It is, worth paying conscious attention to though, as an imbalance can have a disastrous effect on our lives or business. Is this something which is affecting you right now?

Change management

Not everyone likes change, it can lead to feelings of isolation, feeling undervalued or misunderstood. By not managing change effectively it can lead to resistance and resentment! But by helping others to understand and adapt to change, can avoid these problems. It will also mean the transition is smoother and results are obtained quicker.

I can help you with any of these issues, plus much more! Just call me on 07542 55 40 77. Via e-mail,, or use the enquiry form on the contact page.

I shall look forward to speaking with you!

Please don’t think that you, your situation, or your business is different, and mentoring probably won’t help you! Mentoring is for anyone who wants to do things better, or be more effective.

Mentoring is a Win, Win scenario , it can only make things better! The sooner you begin to take control, the sooner you see results.